(781) 413-6253

Early Boiler Replacement Rebate – Deadline Extended!

The Early Boiler replacement rebate can put up to $4,000.00 back in your pocket and the deadline has been extended to November 1st. The extension of this incentive is due to the growing numbers of customers looking to proactively upgrade their aging boiler. Let's...

Toilet repair tips

Toilet repair is something homeowners often try on their own. The issue may be a loose handle, a running toilet, having to hold the toilet handle down while you flush, or constantly having to plunge. When attempting a home repair, you should buy replacement parts from...

Gas heat conversion: time is running out

Gas heat is a popular way to heat your home and this is no fluke. Oil to gas heat conversions are a way for the homeowner to save money and conserve energy. Even though the temperatures are scorching now, soon they will be dropping and we will look to our thermostat...

Master Plumber License # 13713


Provides great service and a job well done. Thank you Rizzo Plumbing & Heating!!!
Mary S., Scituate

(781) 413-6253

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