If you wake up with no heat, have no water in a certain area or your water is just a trickle, you may have frozen pipes. Frozen pipes occur when the temperature dips very low and the wind begins to blow on those pipes. The temperature of your home should be at least 60 degrees when the temps are freezing outside. To be on the safe side, 62-65 is even better – especially in those areas which may not be as well insulated: heated porches, basements, and pipes located on the outside wall. If you have a programmable thermostat, take a moment to re-set it and maintain at least 60 degrees. If you have manual thermostats, set them at or above 60 degrees (you can purchase programmable thermostats and, in most cases, receive a rebate for the entire cost). Please take a look at our blog on frozen pipes which gives tips on avoiding them, and also what you should do if your pipes do freeze up.
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